
Vacancy for Hon. Secretary

Hi all

As we move ever closer to our Annual General Meeting which will be held on Monday 6th December I am writing to ask for your help with a couple of things. 

  1. As you know our current Secretary, Bob Thompson will be stepping down from the role at the AGM to have a well deserved break after many years of loyal service to North Lancs. As yet we are still to receive nominations for a new Secretary. Can I kindly ask all delegates to ask around their respective clubs to see if we can find a volunteer to take on this role and replace Bob. Should anyone be wishing to put their names forward for this role please just ensure you provide the name of your proposer and seconder. Thank you. 
  2. We also require nominations for the role of Vice President. Again if you could please ask around your clubs for a volunteer to take up this post it would be truly appreciated. Thank you.

As outgoing President I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all involved in NLSWPA in ensuring we continue to look after our affiliated clubs best interests, especially through this pandemic. The togetherness that has been shown this past 20 months or so has been extraordinary and it has been truly heart warming to see people try to help others through a difficult time. Thank you all, for all you have done.

I look forward welcoming you all to the AGM in December.

Kind Regards 



No Frills Meet Week 2 Darwen

The results are now available to download under the Events Tab

A message of thanks from our President – Steve Heaps

Dear all 
I’d be very grateful if you Please pass thus to those who volunteered today. Thanks.
I just wanted to drop you all a short note as I didn’t get the opportunity earlier.
I just want to say many thanks indeed for your support and effort at todays North lancs no frills meet in Darwen. These events simply could not go ahead without all the effort and volunteering you guys perform. Without this our young swimmers simply would not be able to continue in their chosen sport. 
There are many good people within our district who, behind the scenes, work hard to ensure that these events can go ahead, I am grateful and thankful to them all for all they do. We just couldn’t stage these events without them. Thank you all.
So, to all the officials, timing suite guys, organisers, food suppliers and those great guys running around after swimmers in the marshalling area, thank you most sincerely for today, have a pint and enjoy your evening.  
Kind regards to you all….



No Frills Meet Week 1 Blackpool

The Results from Sunday 3.10.2021 are now available under the Events Tab.

A message from the President – Steve Heaps to our volunteers: 

Dear all 
I just wanted to drop you all a short note as I didn’t get the opportunity earlier.
I just want to say many thanks indeed for your support and effort at the North lancs no frills meet in Blackpool. These events simply could not go ahead without all the effort and volunteering you guys perform. Without this our young swimmers simply would not be able to continue in their chosen sport. 
There are many good people within our district who, behind the scenes, work hard to ensure that these events can go ahead, I am grateful and thankful to them all for all they do. We just couldn’t stage these events without them. Thank you all.
So, to all the officials, timing suite guys, organisers, food suppliers and those great guys running around after swimmers in the marshaling area, thank you most sincerely for today, have a pint and enjoy your evening.  
Kind regards to you all….



No Frills Meet

The full programme of swimmers for both Blackpool and Darwen can be accessed and downloaded from either the Calendar Tab or the Events Tab (Level 3 – 2021).

We would encourage spectators to print off the programme in advance of attending, as there will only be a limited supply of programmes at the venues.

Please remember that mobile phones and other electronic devices with image capturing capability are not permitted in either leisure centre, so we would ask that spectators print off the programme and do not access it on their phone/tablet at the event.

Please also remember that spectator numbers are restricted to one spectator per swimming family.

Timings are expected to be as follows:


8.30am warm up for 9.30am start

12.30pm warm up for 1.30pm start

Expected finish 3.30pm


8.30am warm up for 9.30am start

1.00pm warm up for 2.00pm start

Expected Finish 4.30pm


Thank you.

Bob Thompson 

Hon. Sec.


No Frills Meet 2021

Hi all

I hope you, your friends and families are all trying their best to get back to some kind of normal life during these strange times.?

We must all be very mindful that covid-19 is and always will be with us and if we can respect the virus we can also learn to live alongside it.

After many many months of upheaval in our lives we now found ourselves trying to regain and pickup the things, that have, for so long, been affected by this pandemic. I can only hope that the effects of the virus have been minimal on you all.

As we try to move back to swim training and competition, North Lancs would like to do this in a way which helps all our communities, our clubs, our officials, our pool providers, our pool staff & management and of course our swimmers.

Over the course of the past 3-4months the North Lancashire committee have made the very difficult decision to cancel the annual championships in 2021 and replace with a meet for all swimmers within our district. We are going to call this the North Lancs No Frills meet 2021.

We are really conscious of the people traffic at galas, the amount of movement required to organise a meet to cater for 20 clubs and all that goes with it. We want to protect the leisure providers staff, personnel and wider communities as well as our people so please allow me to try and explain the thinking around this.

We are going to run an identical meet licenced at L3 for all swimmers affiliated to North Lancs. The programme (see attached) is a one day meet covering all 4 50s and all 4 100s plus the 200IM and 200FC. We have split the clubs to swim at the pool closest to them (as best we can) and we will set lower level times that will hopefully allow all swimmers to post times times and use for future competitions.

There will be no awards, no medals, ‘No Frills’ just good honest competition designed to allow our swimmers the opportunity to compete and start putting comp times on the board to use for further meets.

We will be posting more information in the very near future with entry pack, closing date etc. We will also be asking clubs to provide officials and volunteers to help in marshaling etc as there will be no spectators.

We truly need your help in ensuring we can do this and again info on this will be sent out very soon.

Thanks again and please stay safe

Steve Heaps



Return to Competition Update from the President

Dear delegates
May I start by wishing you all a safe and happy return to the pool.
As we edge ever closer to what will hopefully be a return to some sort of normality now that our clubs are back in the water, I just wanted to drop you all a line to say I hope you are safe, well and enjoying being back with the athletes at your club delivering your training programmes.
North lancs have continued working in the background to try and implement a return to competition at some time in the autumn when we have had the opportunity to discuss details with our pool providers. These meetings will hopefully be taking place in the coming weeks. In order for us to achieve what we are currently planning please could I ask all delegates at all our affiliated clubs to check with your officials at your clubs to see if they will support our plans for some form of return to comp. I would be eternally grateful if you could please inform either Bob or myself if your officials would be willing to help. Thank you.
I will at the exec meet, schedule for 7th June, outline the plans the swimming and development committee have for this possible return and we will also publish these on the website.
For now please continue to enjoy being back with your respective clubs I hope to be in touch soon with more news.
Kind regards to all

Further Update

Hi All
Firstly please can I apologise for the length of time it has taken to write to you all. With one thing and another I just haven’t been able to keep on top of everything, so again, apologies for the delay.
I sincerely hope that you and your families are safe and well as we continue to work our way through this pandemic? I have no doubt that it has affected you all in one way or another, I just hope the effect has been minimal on you all.
During the course of lockdown and inactivity, North Lancs have continued communications with our member clubs. We have had meeting with chairs or club representatives, with each outlining the difficulties they have and continue to face. Our AGM went ahead as planned via the zoom platform and the exec meetings have continued to take place as normal.
There are many people, in most cases volunteers who have worked so hard in the background trying to ensure that their club have a future, the same people have also been actively helping others who have not been as fortunate.
The level of togetherness in North Lancs has always been the key to the Association’s strengths, but these wonderful people have brought that togetherness closer. I would like to thank all those who have been working tirelessly at their clubs and in some cases, tirelessly in helping other clubs stay alive during this most difficult time in our sport’s history.
Thank you so much.
As you will no doubt be aware after the Prime Minister’s address on Monday 22/02, we are now approaching yet another end to another lockdown, this time, in the hope we can re build our clubs, our Association, our competitions and our sport without any further disruptions or dare I say, lockdown. But nothing is certain, and certainly not during these times.
As we look forward to April 12th when, hopefully Leisure facilities will be again able to open their doors, (presuming that all is still safe to do after after step 1 of the government’s road map) we obviously look forward to seeing our swimmers return to their clubs and to resume training. I look forward in our Association being able to re commence our activities and in particular our competitions. I can tell you that when taking over the presidency in December 2019 I had no idea I may be the only president in our associations history not to be able to present swimmers with their awards at our competitions. This may still be the case as I leave office in December this year, however I am determined we can have something, at very least in the diary before my time is over.
The swimming and development committee will, in the coming weeks, be working hard to formulate some kind of competition for ALL of our associated clubs and swimmers. We are going to work closely with our friends at Micro League of the North West to try and incorporate a festival of swimming which we hope will get the athletes back on the competitive pathway.
We are also going to look closely at the possibly re introduction of Water Polo back into the Association and will be again starting discussions with the relevant water polo clubs in the coming weeks and months.
In order for us to continue doing this we will try where we can to support the education of new teachers, coaches and officials to keep the backbone of our activities as strong as possible.
Due to the announcement that the PM made on Monday evening we will do all we can to work closely with the leisure providers to ensure we can host competitions, we will do all we can to ensure the health and safety of our members, clubs and communities whenever we host an activity and will try to put processes in place in line with leisure providers risk assessments etc.
Again, apologies for the length of time it has taken to write to you, I will keep you informed through the website an your club reps of when things will start to happen, so please continue to be patient, please continue to stay safe and well and please do all you can to help and support your clubs. I truly hope to see you all at a pool in the coming months.
Thank you
Steve Heaps