
Swim League Round 3 Saturday 18th June 2022 B/pool Palatine

A reminder for the draw in respect of the final round is available under the Events tab.

Would clubs please note their assigned duties, particularly those on the door and responsible for scoring.

Each club should also bring a licensed official and a time-keeper.

Clubs should only use the official team sheet available to download under “Gala Documentation” 


Swim League Round 2 Saturday 12th March Blackpool Palatine (NB change of venue)

The Lane Draws for the round two galas are now under the Events Tab

Division 1 will swim the first gala with the Division 2 competing the second gala.

Please note the start times and duties.

We would strongly encourage coaches to familiarise themselves with the League Rules, which can be downloaded under the events Tab.  

Please also note the only acceptable Team Sheet is the one which can be found under the Events Tab.  No other format is acceptable and failure to present the correct sheet before the star of the Gala will incur a fine.


Swim League Round One Darwen Sun 16.01.2022

The results of Round One are as follows

Division 1

Round 1 Gala 2 Darwen 16.01.2022 (Div 1) Edit for illegal swims

Division 2

Round 1 Gala 1 Darwen 16.01.2022 (Div 2)

Please note that unfortunately one team in Division 1 was heavily penalised for two illegal swims.  The results are therefore different from those announced at the Gala.

We would strongly encourage coaches to familiarise themselves with the League Rules which can be downloaded under the events Tab.

Please also note the only acceptable Team Sheet is the one which can be found under the Events Tab.  No other format is acceptable and failure to present the correct sheet before the star of the Gala will incur a fine.


2021 AGM

Former N Lancs Swimmer & Olympic Gold Medalist Anna Hopkin MBE receives the George Harris Salver from President Steve Heaps & former coach Mary Parkinson of Chorley Marlins
Outgoing President Steve Heaps hands the baton to newly elected President Andy Gaskell
Newly Elected President Andy Gaskell thanks his predecessor Steve Heaps
President Andy Gaskell awards the Bob Marshall Trophy to Steve Heaps from Preston Swimming Club for the most points at the 2021 “No Frills” back to the pool meet.

Swim League Gala 1 – Sunday 16th January 2022 – Darwen Leisure Centre

The Lane Draw for Round 1 is now under the Events Tab

Please note the order and timings of the galas.

Please note that spectators numbers at Darwen Leisure Centre are restricted to one person per family.

Please note the duties assigned to your club.

In addition your club will need to provide a time-keeper and qualified official. (If you do not have a qualified official please arrange to “buddy ” with another club and borrow one of theirs!)

The Association will provide the float & programmes for the team assigned to the door, who should be in place 15mins before the designated entry time.

If your team are down to provide water please purchase 36 x bottles of water, for which you will be reimbursed by the door team on production of a receipt.

There will be no electronic timing at Darwen, so the recorder and check recorder functions are critical to the effective operation of the gala.  A laptop will be provided with the electronic score sheet for the recorder.  The check recorder will complete a manual results sheet.

The Lane Draw for Round Two will be posted shortly.