The nomination form for the the 2018 AGM can be found here
Forms need to be returned to the Hon. Secretary by Monday 22nd October at the latest
The Swim League table has now been updated.
Congratulations to the Division Champions:
Division 1 Pioneer 79
Division 2 Chorley
Chorley will be promoted for the 2019 season together with runners up Kendal
Commiserations to Preston B & Ormskirk who are relegated to Division 2
Provisional dates for 2019 are as follows:
Round 1 Salt Ayre Saturday 16th February 2019
Round 2 Darwen Leisure Centre Saturday 6th April 2019
Round 3 Blackpool Palatine Saturday 1st June 2019
The Meet Files have now been published and can be found under either the Calendar or Events tabs
All entries should be submitted on Sportsystems via member clubs.
The Association’s Level 3 Meet provides a great opportunity for trainee officials to obtain poolside experience and add to their log books.
If any Judge level 1 trainees would like to assist at any of the sessions over the week-end please contact the Secretary using the contact form under the “About us” tab.