The results from Round 1 held at Darwen on Sunday 19th January are now available under the Events Tab, together with the AOE times for each event.
Please note that the points for Division 2 differ from those announced at the event, owing to illegal swims which came to light following a check of the team sheets.
Coaches/Managers are reminded that under Rule 5.10 (and unlike Micro League) Swimmers are only permitted to compete in two individual events in their own age group or above.
Please also note that if you swam up a swimmer from your B Team to your A team in the first round that swimmer is not permitted to compete again for your B Team this season.
Round 2 will be held at Blackpool Palatine on Saturday May 17th – the Lane draws and team duties are under the Events Tab. Division 1 will swim in the first Gala Division 2 the second.
The Provisional dates for 2026 have been agreed by the Executive as:
Round 1 Sunday 18th January 2026
Round 2 Saturday 16th May 2026
Round 3 Saturday 14th June 2026
The venues for which have yet to be decided
Bob Thompson
Swim League Secretary